Monday Sep 04, 2023
The Future of Declarative Infrastructure with Viktor Farcic
Infrastructure management has gone a long way, and the tools for managing infrastructure and services have significantly changed since their inception.
We evolved from CFEngine to Chef and Puppet and, later on, Ansible. We switched from a mostly mutable to a mostly immutable approach with Terraform and Pulumi. What's next? Where are we going from here?
In this episode, Viktor Farcic, a Developer Advocate at Upbound, speaks to Gilad Neiger, DevOps Group Leader at develeap, about:
- How declarative infrastructure intertwines with the power of universal extensible APIs and industry-leading technologies like Kubernetes, Crossplane, and Terraform.
- How these tools are revolutionizing the DevOps landscape, enabling organizations to seamlessly manage complex, multi-cloud environments with ease and efficiency.
- And why K8s isn’t just for container orchestration but actually more for managing everything!
This podcast is a review of Develeap's Tech Tuesday Webinar - Develeap’s in-depth discussions about the up-to-date technologies in DevOps.